Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So, we're working on getting adjusted to life at home together as a family now, and so far, so good.  The first night was a little rough as Juliana was on "sensory overload" and decided to stay up for 8 straight hours and not let us sleep until 7 am.  But, since then, she's been pretty good and we're managing 5-6 hours of sleep a night (not continuous mind you, but it's better than it could be).  
Other than that, we're just trying to enjoy the fact that she's finally here and holding her as much as we can since she won't be this tiny package for too long.  So, here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure of life at home.

1 - Ummm....I think she's relaxed
2 - Hanging with Mom
3 - Just chillin'
4 - What we refer to as the "uh-oh Cheerio" face
5 - Living up to her nickname...

1 comment:

Ashley Dodd said...

she is too cute! congrats again, and hope you're adjusting to life at home with juliana!