Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This has already been a busy week for Juliana.  She got to meet lots of new people for the first time.  First, we had dinner at the Browns with the old gang from college.  Now, that group includes four children (soon to be 5 with the Freys' baby girl on the way).  Then, on Tuesday she got to meet not only Nana and Grampa O'Hara, but also received a surprise visit from family friends Al and Joyce Vos who stopped in on the way to Harrisburg.  All in all, a very exciting week for her.

1 - Nana O' getting to feed the little one
2 - Al and Joyce Vos visit (and stand in front of our midget tree)
3 - Grampa O' spending some quality time with Juliana
4 - The old gang reunites (with some new additions)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Well, as Kara so kindly reminded me this week, I neglected to post Juliana's numbers from her one month visit to the pediatrician, so here they are.  She now weighs in at a whopping 9 lbs. 14 oz. and is 21 1/2 inches long.  That's about two pounds and one inch more than at birth.  So, she's indeed growing.  
Uncle Jonny Boy came to visit last night as did our good friend Nicole (somehow neglected to get a picture of her).  Other than that, life is progressing normally I suppose...

1 - Back in the outfit she came home in, looking utterly ridiculous.
2 - And then cute again.
3 - Already laughing at mom and dad.
4, 5 - Uncle Jonny and his niece.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well, Juliana is now officially 1 month old.  It's hard to believe that a month has already passed...time is flying by.  In honor of this milestone, she earned a trip to the pediatrician for her one month check up.  Everything was great, and she appears to be in perfect health.  
She appears to have found her voice lately, as she's fussing a bit more than in the beginning.  But, I suppose this was to be expected.  The silence couldn't last forever.  Even her crying can't make her any less cute (well, maybe at 2:00 in the morning it does), and we're enjoying our time with her immensely.

1 - At the pediatrician passing with flying colors.
2 - Wondering how those bears got up there...
3 - My best impression of her.
4 - Thrilled to be holding her pacifier.
5 - Cold Kara?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Not really any news....just pictures.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lookalike contest...

Today's posting is for two reasons.  First, while she was sleeping this evening, she kept squirming around and raising her hands in the air.  It was hysterical.  Maybe you had to be there, but we thought the resulting pictures were pretty good.
Second, my mom sent along some of my baby pictures soon after Juliana was born.  She thought the resemblance was uncanny, and I've got to say that we agree.  So, we tried posing her in a similar way to one of my baby pictures, and the result is a little scary.  For her sake, I hope that I would make an attractive woman.  

1 - Me (Jesse) as a baby, channeling my inner chi from the lotus position.
2 - Juliana channeling aforementioned chi.
3 - Geronimo!
4 - Thank you, thank you very much.
5 - Strike a pose.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Well, after her initial bout with insomnia, Juliana has been sleeping at night like a pro.  We've tried to get her acclimated to some sort of schedule, and it seems to be working pretty well.  She's still very relaxed and mellow, only crying when she really, really needs something.  All in all, she's a gem.  
About the only new thing recently is that she's now starting to enjoy her pacifier a bit.  As if she needed to be calmed down any more....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monkey Business

Ok, so Kara tells me that it is cruel to post these pictures of Juliana, but I say what are babies for if not posing them in pictures they will grow to resent you for later in life?  You keep me up all night four days in a row....this is what happens.
So the story is that Kar noticed this morning that if you push Juliana's ear's out, she kind of looks like a monkey.  Therefore, I decided that this discovery had to be documented on film.  The banana was my addition in an attempt to be authentic.
Bear in mind, I'm her father and I love her, but this crap is hysterical.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Sunday of Advent

Ok, so I know that Juliana's first Advent Sunday isn't a big deal, but it gives us an excuse to post some more cute pictures of her.  It was a fairly uneventful, lazy Sunday, except for the fact that some boys from the youth group stopped by with an Advent wreath that they had made that morning in church for us.  So, we'll be able to light that all throughout the Advent season even though we might not make it to church much.  

1 - Pre-walk in her duck outfit.
2 - Just laying around...
3 - The lighting of the first candle (and her destroying a diaper)
4 - I surrender!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yesterday was Juliana's first Thanksgiving with us and we commemorated the occasion by spending a full day doing nothing.  Once again, she chose to be awake from the hours of 12 am - 8 am...which was awesome...and the sleep most of the day away.  
We did begin the day with a Thanksgiving bath that she seemed to enjoy fairly well.  All in all, it was a nice, relaxing holiday, though we look forward to Christmastime when she will get to meet her other set of grandparents as well.  

1 - Sleeping on mom.
2 - Waving hello to the camera.
3 - Giving dad a kiss.
4 - Doing her impression of the Garfield Christmas special.
5 - Bathtime...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week number 3 of Juliana's life has brought with it many changes.  Most notably, she has apparently begun to confuse night with day and has taken to staying awake for about 8 straight hours during the time that the rest of humanity is sleeping.  This has caused us to realize that the Cosby Show is in fact still in syndication at around 4 am.  But it is a joy to be with her nonetheless.  
She's already changing: she is more alert when she is awake and has begun to make consistent facial expressions when happy or sad.  Other than that, we're just trying to keep up with her and enjoy this time in her life when she's small enough to put in the crook of your arm.

1 - Doing her best impression of Rocky Balboa.
2 - Talking some things over with dad.
3 - Looking adorable. 
4 - Meeting the Woodnorth grandparentals.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

     Week number 2 of Juliana's life seems to be going fairly well.  We've gotten her on a fairly consistent sleeping schedule so far, so hopefully that will last at least for a little while.  
     This weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Woodnorth are coming down to meet her for the first time, so that's pretty exciting.  
     Other than that, we're just trying to figure out this parenting thing...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So, we're working on getting adjusted to life at home together as a family now, and so far, so good.  The first night was a little rough as Juliana was on "sensory overload" and decided to stay up for 8 straight hours and not let us sleep until 7 am.  But, since then, she's been pretty good and we're managing 5-6 hours of sleep a night (not continuous mind you, but it's better than it could be).  
Other than that, we're just trying to enjoy the fact that she's finally here and holding her as much as we can since she won't be this tiny package for too long.  So, here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure of life at home.

1 - Ummm....I think she's relaxed
2 - Hanging with Mom
3 - Just chillin'
4 - What we refer to as the "uh-oh Cheerio" face
5 - Living up to her nickname...