Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Sunday of Advent

Ok, so I know that Juliana's first Advent Sunday isn't a big deal, but it gives us an excuse to post some more cute pictures of her.  It was a fairly uneventful, lazy Sunday, except for the fact that some boys from the youth group stopped by with an Advent wreath that they had made that morning in church for us.  So, we'll be able to light that all throughout the Advent season even though we might not make it to church much.  

1 - Pre-walk in her duck outfit.
2 - Just laying around...
3 - The lighting of the first candle (and her destroying a diaper)
4 - I surrender!!!

1 comment:

Marilyn O'Hara said...

Juliana looks like she's ready to join the church choir! We absolutely live for these daily pictures. She is just too, too precious.